Overlaying Edit – Sarah

Here are the overlaying images of my model Sarah:


This is my first one, I feel that the image doesn’t work as well as it could, perhaps due to the positioning of the tattoo.


The image above was the second edit produced. I like the image however I don’t believe it can be a final image as it doesn’t fit in with the other images because the others have the tattoo over the model’s face. I feel having the tattoo over the model’s face is an important part of my project as whilst tattoos have been less controversial over time and have generally become more acceptable, facial tattoos are still controversial and people suffer discrimination due to it.

As Zuzana Krystýnová discovered in her master thesis “Tattooed & (Un)Employed” the majority of people she interviewed believed that tattoos all over the body, or on the face was crossing the limit. Krystýnová noted that “all of the interviewees said that it is possible to see more and more tattoos in the streets they also have their limits which they would not cross, such as having a tattoos all over body, having tattoos on their face.”


This image is my favourite, and selected one out of these edits. The reason for this is that it keeps the concept of having the tattoo on the face, but also works well and is pleasant on the eye unlike the first edit.

Link to thesis:

Click to access Master_Thesis_Upload_2013_Tattooed_Un_Employed_By_zkryst11_.pdf